My offer
Mastermind Groups by Paxamare
Paxamare’s most popular service, with a solid track record. Paxamare offer a unique format where a select few high achievers make use of the group’s collective intelligence. We apply the latest research on performance directly to your goals & visions. Groups meet once monthly during 10 months, 2,5 hours at a time and are made up of 4-6 internal or external participants.
Results to be expected
- Solving real challenges while growing leadership skills
- Translating the latest research on performance to business actions
- Up to 20% increase in productivity & profitability
This is a unique Paxamare format leading to results faster. With sustainability.

Coaching & Mentoring
High achievers create results faster and more sustainably by hiring a coach or mentor. To date I have coached hundreds of leaders from 1st line to C-level, in a variety of industries.
Results to be expected
- Strengthened, sustainable leadership skills
- Up to 20% increased profitability & productivity
- Increased skills in coping with pressure
At the end of the day, it’s all about creating the work space that both you and your team want to get up in the morning and actually go to. And want to deliver within. Every day of the week.

Leadership Strategy & Advisory
The more digitalized we get, the more skilled we need to be in managing real people. Today’s high achievers need to know that you understand the greater scope of things, or they will take their engagement elsewhere. This calls for excellent people strategies and actions.
Results to be expected
- Clear strategies aligned with overall goals, mission & vision
- Solving real challenges while growing leadership skills
- Identification of possible gaps or need for redesign of organization
Knowing what to expect and what is required of all provides stability. It also provides the opportunity for your people to steer their focus in the right direction and be their best contributing selves at work.
Team Development
Strong team relationships create strong results. Whether you need to start building relationships from scratch or have come a long way already, there’s always work to do, just like in any relationship.
Results to be expected
- Better skills in favourable group behaviours
- Shared common ground for tasks ahead
- Up to 20% higher profitability & productivity
Starting from your current reality, I tailor our work in collaboration with you in order to reach your desired outcome. We apply up to date evidence- and experience based methods, and create a lot of hearty energy.

HR Management
A vast network of consultant colleagues can support you in systemizing HR processes, creating true business value as well as growth. Core values work, behaviour based recruitment, onboarding, talent management, performance management, feedforward, structured talks, salary setting, handling conflicts, outplacement… We’re here for you.
Results to be expected
- Clear frameworks
- Best practice and advice
- Lasting knowledge transfer
Corporate culture can be built in many ways. Make sure you have ownership of which culture you build.